Søk om stand / Apply for a stand

We are now open for applications to the market. 31. may. - 02. june 2024 at Akershus festning (fortress). The usual market fee is 1700 NOK for a stand, but if you are demonstrating crafts, the fee can be discussed.
Pictures of your products:(Påkrevd)
Godkjente filtyper: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Do you need to rent a stand or will you bring your own?(Påkrevd)
Do your stand/tent need to be anchored in the ground?(Påkrevd)
In addition to selling, can you also demonstrate your crafts?(Påkrevd)
Craftsmen who demonstrate their crafts will be given priority at the market.
Have you participated before?(Påkrevd)
Do you need firewood?(Påkrevd)
Do you want to rent a parking lot?
Note that this is a military area and certain restrictions apply. NO RV´s OR CARAVANS ARE ALLOWED IN THE PARKING AREA, and there is no opportunity to sleep in the cars at the parking lot, by order of the Military Police.
This is needed to pass the military gate. Note that the car will not be allowed to pass by the military if the driver is not the same as specified.
This is needed to pass the military gate. Driver must be the same as specified.
I have read and understood the terms of driving into the area and/or parking.(Påkrevd)